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About me

I am an established, experienced and skilled therapist, supervisor and trainer with clients from all walks of life.


My training as a Psychodynamic Counsellor began in 2002. I also have Masters level Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy training from Wealden Psychology Institute and postgraduate training from The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, widely regarded as the UK's premier mental health training provider in children, adolescents and families.

I have a particular interest in contemporary neuroscientific research.

Beyond my clinical practice, I supervise those working with children and young people and deliver regular workshops and seminars to professional counselling and psychotherapy groups, organisations and training programmes. I am listed as a West Kent Eating Disorder therapist and as a counsellor to volunteers returning from overseas refugee placements.

In 2015 I founded ParentNet - a network of low-cost shared support, learning, skills and information.

Whilst studying Human Sciences at Oxford, I developed my understanding of how and why we adapt, survive and embrace our physical, emotional and relational environments.


After University I spent my early career in television and women's press researching and interpreting behaviour. Later, full-time motherhood gave me the invaluable privilege and opportunity to observe  the complexities and vagaries of infant, child and adolescent development and to witness the realities and challenges of emotional, psychological and relational growth.


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